How to improve your credit score by paying rent


Are you a tenant looking for new ideas on how to improve your credit score?

We have some good news for you, there is a new tool on the market – CreditLadder that allows you to do just that by simply paying your rent.

You probably know that at the moment your rent payments do not count towards your credit score. You can change that by using a middle man – CreditLadder that collects your rent and passes it onto your landlord or agent the same day while keeping a record of this and reporting directly to Experian.  This way you will then be recognised for paying your rent on time in the same way that homeowners are recognised for paying their mortgage each month.

Having an enhanced credit score can help you gain access to better finance deals like buying a mobile phone, car, holidays and ultimately buying your dream home.

Join for free and improve your Experian credit score - find out more on Credit Ladder's website